We need to simplify the contents in the products page. We need to make it more visual, and only the data that people need. Keep it short. Design based on what is good (ie if we need to add nice family photo or layout of photo, then put a reference. So we can see if we have it or if we can shoot it ourselves.
Some thoughts on elemets
1. Product Images + Video review + Product Origin video
2. Product description: Short Headline, Subhead. 1-2 short paragraphs
3, Critics/Influencer Reviews somewhere on top.
4. Ingredients
a. Key ingredients with uses. (with image)
b. Full ingredients list
5. Directions for use
a. Basic , with image icons (carol has it)
b. Illustrated tips/directions for specific uses, ie diaper rash, hands, cradle cap, lips. (see blog for old ones). This can come later, we can populate the blog it as we go (and link it here). For wire frame purposes, we just need to plan the layout, the design elements missing, AND which pages to link it, if necessary.
5. Uses. Better to use icons + 1-3 words, check Canva.
Don't put "pregnant" anymore. Just breastfeeding.
6. Reviews. Key reviews only, then direct to reviews page. Alternatively, we can combine Uses and Reviews. For example, there are icons of a bum, drooling mouth, head. when we tap on the icon of a bum, a real review image pops up or drops down. Example only, not sure if it complicates or simplifies UX. Our goal is to educate in a simple and enjoyable way.
*See if there is a table/tab/dropdown menu now available on wix.
that will compress the layout for 4b, 5, 6 to make it cleaner.
Anything else we need to include?
Do one Product page first. Perhaps do the Bebebugs first because it has more ingredients to layout.
Bye Dry!
Super Nourishing Moisturizer
for Sensitive Skin
Sensitive Skin
Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin.
Eye make up remover.
Smoothens and softens flaky, rough blemishes
Moisturizes Itchy winter dry skin & windburn.
Soothes & prevents Chapped Lips & Chaffed skin.
Cracked heels, rough hands, elbows & knees
Tames eyebrows
Threading and Shaving aftercare
Brazilian wax aftercare
Sanitary rash
Bra Rash
Pregnant & Breastfeeding
Soothes overstretched belly & other discomforts related to very dry or damaged overstretched skin.
Gives long lasting moisturization, keeps pregnant skin soft, supply and less prone to irritation.
Rapid relief on itchy dry crotch & peri-anal area
Intensively moisturizes dry wrinkly skin

Bebebalm naturally helps repair & protect extremely dry or damaged sensitive skin.
It helps skin get healthy, so it can heal itself better.
Naturally restores skin lipids
to lock in moisture and throw away the key.
Soft, smooth, healthy skin makes a comeback.
Forms a long lasting protective barrier
to defend skin from outside irritants
and rapid moisture loss.
Naturally rich in skin nutrients & antioxidants, it's quickly absorbed to nourish skin deep within. This promotes healthier skin.
Originally formulated for a baby's irritated delicate skin, Bebebalm has gotten rave reviews in more skin discomforts.
Rapid relief & prevention for
Mild to moderate eczema
Diaper rash
Teething rash, Milk rash, Skin folds rash
Loosens cradle cap
Massage balm & overall baby moisturizer to promote healthy skin
*No approved therapeutic claims. Bebebalm is a moisturizer, it does not contain medicine. If flares are severe, or there are signs of infections, or if symptoms persists, seek medical treatment.
It's made with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil , boosted with more Lauric Acid. This wonder nutrient is what gives coconuts & breastmilk their natural skin-loving pow wow
Available in 30g,100g jars, 60g no-mess tube & 4.5g sticks