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My boy gets bad rashes around his mouth... and he lick them just gets worse. We put Bebebalm all aro
From Little Bugs Market Forum on Wechat, on the topic "Eczema in Shanghai winter" My boy gets bad rashes around his mouth... And le licks...
I have seen good results with Bebebugs and Bebebalm. They are readily available in China as compared
From Little Bugz Market Forum in Wechat, on the topic "Eczema in Shanghai Winter" Do try Bebebugs and Bebebalm. We started using this...
I can't get over the fact how my baby just totally mellows out with Bebebalm on her weeping ecze
From a mom forum on Wechat, February 2, 2016: My daughter has had weeping eczema since she was 5 weeks. We have tried loads of creams...
Surefire Solutions for Itchy Dry Skin Woes
This article first came out in on January 5, 2016 "Every month we present to you, No-Nonsense Mommy Tips by Columnist...

Cradle cap
Cradle cap will slide off like magic, follow these easy natural steps.
Bad Air = Bad Skin
Have you ever had a mystery rash? A minor rash (but majorly irritating to touch or to look at) the doctor brushed off as something that...

Managing Eczema
Eczema doesn't have a cure. But it doesn't mean you have to live with this maddeningly itchy biyatch everyday. With proper skin...
Trigger Happy Eczema
There are many Eczema triggers. You can't avoid them all. The key is to find what are your personal triggers, and avoid those. Scratching...
Common Kinds of Eczema
There are many kinds of eczema, the most common ones are Atopic Dermatitis (caused by genetics). And Contact Dermatitis (caused by...

Her Baby Fat Rash healed in 3 days.
Shanghai, China 宝宝因为太胖,脖子里捂着不透气,除了很严重的湿疹. 两侧耳朵周围皮肤严重干燥,有蜕皮.用了很多产品,效果不理想,很慢.宝宝晚上睡觉会用手抓,还是很痒.自从用了Bebebalm 倍蓓棒护肤品,皮肤干燥明显改善.脖子用Bebebugs...

Did you know? Bebebugs works on itchy food allergy. It was a lifesaver.
Singapore Did you know? Bebebugs works on itchy food allergy. It was a lifesaver during our Europe trip last Christmas. My friend had an...

Such no fuss, no joke skin savers!!! Eto na ang qualified sa Hallelujiah!
Manila, Philippines Got my bebebalm & bebebugs stash! 2nd day and… nakakaloka loving it! already gave some to my best friend and her...
Eye Rash gone in a Blink of an Eye
Shanghai, China My eye rash that’s been bothering me for ages cleared up in just 5 days of Bebebalm. -Calvin Yu #bebebalm #rashother...

We no longer need to use steroids. His skin clears up in 2-3 days using Bebebalm.
USA March 13, 2014 My son had a severe eczema break-out at 12 months. We took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with a dairy allergy...

Excellent for sensitive skin. I’d be happy to recommend it to children with eczema or other skin sen
Australia I find this an excellent product for sensitive skin. We’ve used it on dry lips and nappy rash and it has worked well for both....

They really are wonderful. And do work, which is more important.
London, United Kingdom February 24, 2014 I just wanted to say thank you for the creams. They really are wonderful. And do work, which is...

很温和,很保湿,真的很好用 No Stinging. No Crying.
Shanghai, China November 29, 2013 “我女儿的皮肤特别敏感,一到秋天就很容易干燥,每次给她洗脸或者抹乳霜都会大哭大叫,可能是疼吧。我们试过好几种进口的婴儿乳霜,但是都不怎么管用。后来用Bebebalm,效果好了很多,每天我们差不多给她用2到3...

I switched from La Mer & Argan Oil
Philippines 菲律宾 Aanhin pa ang La Mer kung may Bebebalm?! This is the new moisturizer I use nightly. It's great for your baby as well, and...
Elle China recommends Bebebugs!
Elle China featured both Bebebugs and Bebebalm today! This is a such lovely endorsement. We are a small start up so it's quite surreal to...
Elle China recommends Bebebalm!
Elle China is always on the look out for the new awesome things. So imagine our surprise and joy when they featured both Bebebalm and...
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